
8 Proven Content Marketing Types To Explore in 2025

Content marketing types for small businesses

2025 is here and with it, there’s a lot of energy to do more and be more. Business owners are using this opportunity to stand out using content marketing.

While some are just creating room to add this to their business strategy, others are looking for ways to improve their content marketing strategy in order to reach a larger audience and create a name in this competitive digital landscape.

Although there is a whole lot of content marketing types out there, we’re going to focus on the 8 proven ones that can help you as a Nigerian business owner to attract the right customers and retain them.

Therefore, if you’ve been wondering on which types of content marketing to explore for your business growth, this guide highlights the simple but highly effective options that will help you build trust and boost sales.

Without further ado, let’s get right into it.

Content Marketing Types To Explore For Your Small Business

1. Social Media Content Types

Almost every business owner I know has a social media presence. These platforms have shown to serve Nigerian business owners in so many ways.

With billions and millions of users on the popular social platforms like WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and X, finding your target audience has been made a lot easier.

As a content marketing type, social media involves sharing posts, videos and stories to engage and retain your audience.

Best platforms and how it works  

  • WhatsApp: This platform houses over 2 billion users world wide. Moreover, there are so many features like the broadcast list, catalogs, automated replies and status updates thst makes this messaging platform easy and convenient for client acquisition.
  • Instagram and TikTok: These platforms are used to share short, relevant and engaging content that focuses on showcasing a brand or its products.
  • Facebook: Mostly used to target older demographics.

2. Video content marketing

  With the increasing number of internet users, video contents are becoming highly effective. These contents when done right, has a way of capturing the audiences’ attention from the beginning to the end.

For instance, how often do you go on TikTok and spend a few hours scrolling through videos?

How it works

  • Post tutorials on how-to guides: This gathers a lot of engagement as individuals are always looking for ways to learn new things.
  • Post behind the scenes of your business: Customers appreciate this and it helps to build trust with your audience.

 Best platforms to use for this includes YouTube, TikTok, instagram and Facebook stories.

A rule of thumb states to keep your videos short, engaging and tailored to your audiences’ preference.

3. Influencer Content Marketing Type

Influencer marketing continues to help business owners to target a larger group of people within the target market. Partnering with local influencers makes it possible to tap into their audience and promote your business.

How it works

Collaborate with WhatsApp TVs and influencers on WhatsApp to increase brand awareness and close more sales.

It is advised to choose influencers that align with your brand goals and have a following of people in line with your target audience.

However, to get the best of WhatsApp TVs and influencers, go to Dailyinfluencing.com to choose from micro-mega WhatsApp influencers.

You can also collaborate with influencers on instagram and TikTok to promote your products and reach a larger audience.

4. The Blog Content Marketing Type

Blogging is a great way to increase online visibility. This is done by putting out relatable and targeted content that will help your audience.

If your business has a website, putting out relevant, SEO-optimized content regularly is a good way to drive traffic to your website while educating your customers.

Contents such as listicles, how-to, and industry trends related to your niche are examples of the types of content you can put out.

 How it works

This content marketing type works by using relevant keywords to write your content in order to ensure that it ranks on Google.

5. Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the oldest form of communication. Although, some people believe that emails are dying, this content marketing type has proven to remain highly effective for nurturing and maintaining customer relationships.

How to use it

  • Put out lead magnets: Creates a way for you to exchange valuable freebie with your potential customer’s email.
  • Create a welcome sequence: Used to welcome your audience, introduce your business and set the tone for what they’ll expect at later times.
  • Send newsletters: Mostly used to share informational and educational content. Also serves as a way to send updates about your products or services.
  • Send promotional messages: A way to share exclusive offers or discounts for your email family.

  However, to make this content marketing type work for you, there is need to put out great subject lines, personalize your emails and always lead with value.

For instance, an email with the subject line: “I got this for you Mike” and then goes ahead to share an e-book on how to make more money is a good example.

6. User-Generated Content  

Just like the name implies, UGC is a form of content marketing where your customers create content around your product or services.

The content can be in the form of review, testimonials or just a social media post featuring your brand.

This type of content marketing is usually indulged in by satisfied customers.

How it works

Run contests where the qualification criteria could require your audience sharing posts about your products or services that they’ve used. Then, you can feature customer testimonials on your website and on your social media pages.

Most times, this type of content marketing is done by the individuals on their own free will. Therefore, there is need to reward your audience with discounts or freebies in order to encourage and show your appreciation.

7. Podcasting as a content marketing type

This content marketing type which has often been overlooked by most Nigerian business owners is becoming really popular. People are now leaning more towards audio content, therefore there is need to try out this content marketing type for your business.

How it works

  • Focus on sharing actionable tips related to your business.
  • Interview industry experts as this helps to build your authority.

However, as a beginner, it’s important to keep your episodes under 30 minutes and promote them on social media.

You can use platforms like Anchor or podbean as a beginner to get started.

8. Interactive content

This content marketing type houses different forms of content like quizzes, polls and Live Q&A sessions.

Interactive content is any type of content that encourages an individual to engage with your brand.

 How it works

  • Use polls to gather insights on what your audience wants
  • Use quizzes to encourage participation and boost engagement.


Content marketing is a key form of growth for Nigerian small business owners. With the new year vibes still in place, there is need to leverage different content marketing types that can house your product or service.

A simple rule of thumb is to start with one and then explore many others from there. From leveraging social platforms to video content down to podcasting and email marketing, there is a wealth of resources out here for small business owners.

Therefore, read this guide, explore these content types, stay consistent and watch your business grow and stand out in the competitive market.

Stephanie Okereke

Stephanie Okereke is an intuitive content writer who creates compelling contents for different brands in different niches that helps them connect better with their audience and solves their pain points.

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