Our website visitors are Business owners who are ready and eager to work with Professional Graphic designers. So before we get your Graphic design brand/agency listed on our platform, your community must :
Now this totally depends on how much you charge for your services. We don’t have control of how much you earn from your services.
But our team has done some experiments and we have come into conclusion on the minimum amount a graphic design can earn with us within a month.
We want to help you make this estimated earnings as promised but there’s a little catch here…
First is… We can only work with 50 qualified Graphic designers in a month. We have already verified 37 Graphic designers, which means there are just 13 spots left.
For you to be among the 13 Graphic designers left… You need to take quick action by clicking the button below to see if you qualify for a spot.
N.B :
This Service isn’t FREE.
There is an affordable subscription fee paid monthly.
Once you have been selected…
You’ll be listed on our platform as a verified Graphic designer
And Our Business Partner Will Start Reaching Out To You Immediately
Our website is visited by thousands of business owners every day, Which makes it possible for you to get great deals and make extra profit with your Graphic design agency or brand.
After getting listed… Our Graphic designers are given an option to participate in a free training on how to get better in closing deals
In this training, we’ll share the Profit Boosting Strategy we’ve created for you, how to implement it, and what the outcome will look like.
We really want to help you get fast results and want to help you avoid trial and error.
You think that’s all?
We will also give you a FREE blog sponsored post, So whenever people search for the Graphic design agency/brand name on Google, this post directs them to your Portfolio.
We will provide you daily tips that will help you convert these business owners/advertisers into lifetime clients.
We have 13 spots left!
It takes our developer team 2 hrs – 10 hrs to get your WhatsApp community listed on our platform immediately after subscription is made.
We integrated a feature that auto rotates the order of arrangement of our listed Influencers every time a new website visitor visits the web page.
We came with this analysis from a previous experiment so it’s impossible to get lower than the amount of leads promised.
The subscription fee helps to clear the cost of the daily ad campaign spending. 100% of the revenue generated from subscription fee goes into ad campaigns as we target majorly big brands and top business owners from other platforms who are ready to promote their business with WhatsApp Influencers.
We generate revenue from information marketing and we also allow Google adsense advertisements on our website.
We can only work with 50 verified Graphic design agency/brand every month.
Our subscription fee is categorized into monthly, quarterly and annually affordable fees. To maintain the exclusity of our platform, We’ll only review our subscription packages to Graphic design agency/brand who meets all our qualifications of Standard designs and great branding.
No, We don’t collect commissions. The Graphic design agency/brand keeps 100% of the profit made from any design.
We only generate leads of majorly big brands like Network providers, record labels, fintech companies who are eager and ready to work withProfessional Graphic design agency/brand.
We have 13 spots left!
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